What I feel after 6 months leaving college life
Today is the 179th day after my college graduation. To be honest I am graduate from college late. I suppose to graduate at August 2016, but one and two reasons which very complicated to tell I graduate in May 2017. I am very happy. After blood tears I experienced during my college years, finally I graduated. I didn’t get cumlaude honor, but I am very happy that I can finish my own challenge. The college life is one of my best episodes in life.
Eleven days after graduation I joined a company called Midtrans who give payment service to e-commerces in Indonesia. I join this company to learn how payment works and how to serve thousands of transactions per day. I learn a lot. I’ve been working here for about 6 months and it is very interesting. Although I am not giving so much value in my first few month, but months after months I learned how to create value here.
However, I see that periodically I am feeling happy then in some occasions I am feeling overwhelm. No, I don’t have any problem with people or any person, but I periodically feeling bad. I am feeling alone and sometimes I wake up late and feeling unmotivated. I read bunch of personal development book, articles, watching videos, but nothing helps me. What is problem with me? Do I lacking friends? Do I need to more socialize with people? Do I need to search for another hobby? I don’t know. After all, nothing helps. I’ll face this challenge and see what I’ve came up with. I write this notes to remind me that I need to continuously connect with friend and stop being self-centric. Hell, I don’t know what is right.
Okay then, just do it and learn anything that I experienced in life. Be better person everyday boy! Start with smile!