We already die
A few days ago is my birthday, it’s been a very enjoying week having my birthday and my friends support me. However, as living beings, we need to accept that we eventually die. At Friday, May 11, I got a news from a friend that my academic adviser and final project adviser when I was in college passed away. It is a very shocking news knows that my favorite professor in college passed away not so long after I graduated.

What man can you show me who places any value on his time, who reckons the worth of each day, who understand that he is dying daily? For we are mistaken when we look forward to death; the major portion of death has already passed. Whatever years be behind us are in death’s hands. - Seneca
Yes, we are dying daily. I think the term aging is better called dying. Imagine we have 70 years of life expectancy, and now if you’re 20 you 2/7 of your life is already passed, already dead. The 2/7 of your life is already in death hands.
What I realize is someone’s birthday maybe other’s someone’s dying day. Use our time carefully and we’ll not regret.

For Pak Balza, I’ll always remember you and lessons you teach to me. Thank you for helped me throughout my education in UGM. Lessons and helped you give to me is invaluable. May the merciful Allah receives all your amal and ibadah. We will miss you Pak.