Today is my birthday
In this special post, I just want to reflect what I’ve done to my environment, friends, and family.
I am an introvert and in my family, we have no such tradition to celebrate a birthday. The only one that has a birthday party is my younger brother when he was in kindergarten. So, after leaving high school and go to college, here is what I have when my birthday comes.

Haha, actually no, not as sad as above picture, life is just going as usual. Since no birthday party or celebration is not mattered much except that there is a reminder that I already one year older than last year on the same day.
Here something that I learn from my birthday.
Note your best friends birthday
Lucky me, I’ve few best friends with a high-quality friendship that always support me. Glad to have them know my birthday and send me some message in the morning. I realize that I only know several of my best friends birthday. So, since now, I’ll take notes my best friends birthday and put it in my phone to automatically remind me. Don’t forget to note your family members too! (Dang! I forget that my younger brother birthday was yesterday, and I didn’t realize why he called me yesterday.)
Treat your friends if possible
Sometimes I got myself treated by my friends on their birthday. I think it is a good idea, to spend sometimes with friends talk about anything. For once a year, it is not hurt.
Life is so dang short to procrastinate
Procrastination is one of the biggest problem of every people in the era of abundance of information, it is very hard to filter signal from the noise. It is time to retrospect and do better job start today. Remember this quote
“Today I am doing better than yesterday, and tomorrow I hope to be doing better than I am today. And two days from now? Well, that’s a Monday, so I’ll be feeling shitty.” - Jarod Kintz