RubyConf 2017 Jakarta
After wake up this morning, I hack my nginx to achive highest security header benchmark as benchmarked in securityheaders.io. It is very interesting and I would talk about this in my next article. Actually in this today’s first blog I want to talk about my yesterday’s experience attended the first ever RubyConf in Indonesia called RubyConf 2017 Jakarta. Although I am not a regular user of Ruby neither a fan of Ruby, I experienced a nice experience in this conference. What is nice about this conference? Continue reading my post.
This is a today long conference started from Friday 6th - Saturday 7th of October. As a sponsor of the conference my company gave me ticket to attend the conference for free, but I can’t join the first day since I still have work to do on my sprint, doing load testing preparing for holiday season (ups I shouldn’t tell this). Yeah, I join only the second day.

Let’s start with a story. It is a very hard day in Friday, I got lot work to do and I endup using a tools I never used before because it is very extensible and meet my needs. I go home very tired, go for dinner, then browsing and unintentionally sleep where waiting for my browser to finish loading a page. I woke up late in Saturday, actually I already wake up in the right time but decided to sleep again because the registration of the conference closed in 9.30 (I have so much time to sleep again). I endup fully woke up at 9.02 and then take a bath and go to venue in 9.25 with Go-Jek (ride hailing platform in Indonesia). I actually never go to the venue since I am new to Jakarta (I spending most of my time in my hometown small city called Indramayu and my favorite place Yogyakarta).
I was confuse at first since the Venue said that it will be held in GoJek Office, but the map pointing me to a kind of Mall (not an ordinary office building), so what I collect my confidence to ask the receptionist about the GoJek office. Fortunately, when I move from where the GoJek driver drop me to the receptionist, there is another people who ask the question that I want to ask to receptionist, and receptionist already answer my question and his question. I endup talk with that person. He also want to attend the conference. We go to the venue together. Actually what we have is moving from Ground floor to 6th floor then to Ground floot then to 9th floor and then to 7th floor searching for the venue since the information givin in the internet wasn’t complete.
I come in the end of 2nd talk of the day. It was talking about new concorrency model support in upcoming Ruby 3. The talk was very good I can even understand the talk even though I just came in. Here is the full talk I attend in that 2nd day of Ruby Conf which can bee seen completely here:
- Koichi Sasada - Ruby’s Concurrency Management: Now and Future
- Abdullah Kim-Ee Yeoh - How to Understand Immutability in Ruby: Origins, Prolog, LISP, and Matz
- Shaiju E - Give REST a rest, use GraphQL for your next ruby API
- Sidu Ponnappa - 12 years of Ruby
- Nimmy Vipin - How you can use sentiment analysis for better customer engagement
- Galih Muhammad - Using Rails 5 As Your API Backend May Not Be The Stupidest Idea
- Rika Rumiyati - How I met Ruby on Rails (and into it)
- Agung Setiawan - Be a Ruby (and Rails) Evangelist
- Taufiq Muhammadi - The Future is the Past is the Future: Building a Static Site in 2017
- Adam Pahlevi Baihaqi - Blockchains on Ruby
- Tony Vincent T.Y - Meet Crystal - Ruby’s compiled younger sibling
- Aaron Cruz - How I Learned Indonesian in 30 days
My favorite talk was one that given by Sidu Ponnappa, Tony Vincent, and Aaron Cruz. First, I like Sidu Ponnappa because he talk his love story with ruby which brought him to where him now as a Head of Data Engineering in GoJek. He talk about how he met Ruby, how he built his first startup with no fund, code ruby for living, then create a profitable company which all the profit goes to his next startup which spent all the profit of his previous startup then contributing to many open source project then he join GoJek. I can’t talk about him in detail, but it was very mindblowing talk. He gave talk in a very good way and every people seems enjoyed his talk.
Second, it is the one given by Tony Vincent, he brings a very interesting new language which mostly influence by Ruby, yes Crystal. The author gives a very good short tour to the language, the compatibility with Ruby, the type inference, and the performance benchmark. I see that this statically typed and compiled language is very good and very hogh performant.
Last bot not least, my favorite is the one given by Aaron Cruz. He is giving a talk about how to learn and he gives us how to learn language, his way of memorizing things, a challenge which led me to get an Austria wafer, and last how he learnt programming language. I love this talk, this talk give me a motivation to put more effor on my independent learning process.
I forgot to tell you that I won an Austria wafer by memorizing the agile manifesto
Individuals and interactions over tools and processes Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan
This mantra brings me to got a wafer and a short talk with Aaoron, he advise me about contribution to open source. He said that it should be started from tools I use then I can contribute to that tools development. Start from documentation, then can continue to the core development.
Here is the wafer

And here the speaker

Overall I’m very satisfied coming to this conferences and want to join this kind of conference more and more. Maybe someday I will help organize this kind of event or even be a speaker 😅