Pirated DVD Seller

Pirated DVD Seller

Just come back from a very busy day as a software developer. I just finished a course in Coursera called Learning How to Learn. It is a very good online course and helps us to understand a very fundamental skills to become a good learner. It is about how to learn. The instructor brings many experts in various recorded interview sessions in which we can watch. One of them is about writing. After 20 minutes an interview about writing, I inspired to open my Vim editor and start writing again.

This time I want to tell you a story about a pirated DVD seller. Long ago before internet was a thing in my country. I think when I was about 6-10 years old. I always love to join my parents to joing them riding motorcycle and go to the most popular street market in our city. Although it is popular, it is not necessaryly crowded, only a small street market with street food and some shop along the road. It is called “Pasar Mambo” (read: Mam-bow market). I love this activity because my parents always bought me a DVD disc at least one piece every this kind of activity. I love Japanese cartoon (anime) like Captain Tsubasa, Tamiya, and many others. I love to bought a new episode of them and watch it in my house. It is a very good moment I had when I was child. Yeah, I rarely ask my parents for toys, but for this kind of cartoon CD/DVD disc I would have to have one. I remember my parents brought me a pirated version of the DVD or CD. It is because they love to pirate. It is just because there is no original CD/DVD seller nearby and if any it is so expensive and not that near. Like you need to travel 2 hours with car. When I was teenager, I have so many CD/DVD discs and I started to trhow away that because I started to know about computer and internet. Yes, I was the best computer technician for my parents and their colleague.

Looking forward, after 10-12 years, I see again that kind of seller. A person sitting in small shop. In street market selling pirated CD/DVD. Know after I work in software development and a so called high-tech industry I began to feel sympathy to that kind of seller. Is they don’t understand that now we have YouTube? Even only small percentage of artist that still produced CD/DVD except movie industry maybe. Is they don’t know about NetFlix? How about Spotify? Joox? Is there any people how tell them that this kind of business is not as promising as before? Or maybe I am wrong? Is there are still many people buying DVD of movie to watch at home? Is they want to buy pirated version? Not an original copy?