Good People

Good People

It is interesting realizing that time moving so fast and what often happens is we didn’t notice, but we suddenly realize that we already pass months or years, not to mention time we spent unwisely. Yeah, December is coming! You realize?

Having spent my time in professional/working situation I think one of the biggest problem we face is prioritization and time management. We can see how outstanding people are so different on their prioritization and time management with that of average. Hearing the crowd you might think that everything is like a good idea, but we have limited time and power to accommodate all the “good ideas”. Like David Allen said in his quote

You can do anything – but not everything. - David Allen

or what Tai Lopez’s mother said to him

You can get anything – but not everything.

With all that said, it is insightful to me that prioritization is so important. No wonder this problem is also happens in larger organism called organization like a company, business or any kind of organization.

I remember one of my mentor said this

“Good people are so scared so they jump out of you.” - Tai Lopez

I didn’t get it at first, but once I understand I hope I understand those sentence earlier. I believe that good people are so scares that some unknown people doing better than him, more efficient than him, work harder than him, so they try hard to jump out of us and go beyond us.

I’m currently researching about what is the best technique to prioritize tasks and manage my time which I’ll share the result in the next blog posts. I’m sure what works for me not necessarily works for you since people are different. See you in the next blog! I hope you’re that kind of good people who wants to jump out the average and becoming outstanding.